Great questions. I’m a newbie so I’ll answer the questions from my inexperienced perspective!
I like to publish in pubs, not for the extra reads but more so new more experienced writers can see my work . When they clap, highlight and comment then I know my writing is on the write track and has appealed to someone.
The articles I read the whole way through are usually humerous or based on a true life experience. Fiction isn’t my area of interest.
If I have read an article the whole way through I always try to engage with the content, because I appreciate it in return. I tend to only comment when I feel the writer has written something that has stood out to me and piqued my interest.
I also can’t help myself but to engage in funny banter!
If I don’t support a writer, it’s either because I am not interested in their genre, or if they are assholes just here to post hateful and nasty articles, and sometimes I read the article the whole way through and come back when I have more time to fully engage.
Hope that helps!