Sofia, I am such a fan of your writing, and admittedly, I love to read your work because it helps me to learn and understand. I'll be honest with you in that I have never met a trans woman, although I do know someone who was born female and is on the journey to figure out if they want to transition to becoming a man or if they are non-binary.
It's important for me to be respectful of everyone I meet, no matter their gender. However, I know in my case that if I am caught staring or gazing at anyone who is trans, it's more because I want to make sure I choose the right language, or perhaps I'm worried I will make them feel uncomfortable. Either way, it comes from a place that is well-intended and respectful rather than staring to be cruel or unkind.
I just wanted to offer a different perspective in that maybe some of the people you catch looking at you might be admiring your bravery for living as your true self, or they might be unsure if their behaviour is coming across as offensive.
Sorry for the long winded explanation!